When businesses first start their growth journey, they are focussed on customer acquisition. In recent times, particularly with digital native brands, this is achieved through online channels and a digital marketing approach.
The next phase of growth requires additional channels to help compliment that acquisition with longer term brand building. But often we see brands hit a growth ceiling because they haven’t got that mix right, or they don’t have the creative assets that work across those channels for a joined up, long-term strategy.
Here we unpack the elements you need to consider for hyper growth and how creative assets, both rational and emotional, can help you on that journey.
When we think about creative that drives a response, we think about it in terms of the rational and emotional. Rational being that immediate response that drives a reaction – a quick sale or decision that can attributed to acquisition. Then there’s the emotional, which is how we engage with an audience to build loyalty and trust, which is linked with brand awareness.
Our job is to marry the two. Because when businesses are looking to hyper-scale, they can’t just flip from acquisition to long-term brand building – it requires a mix of both. That’s where the power of creative comes in. Creating content that can swing more heavily to rational or emotional, but still span the two, is how businesses can transition to a more long-term brand building strategy while still attracting those important new customers. Finding that sweet spot is how you set yourself up for hyper-growth.
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – choosing the right channels to find new customers and build brand awareness is crucial. When it comes to growth, TV is the channel that businesses should use to further their reach build brand awareness. We’ve seen it first hand with digital native businesses that have turned to TV to achieve hyper-growth. If you want to hyper-scale, TV should be at the heart of your media mix – but just like online, TV presents several options that should be considered.
Coming back to the theory or rational versus emotional, and how to strike the right balance to take your business to the next level, this is where TV can also support you. When it comes to the rational, channels like Sky present more options with more channels and can help to provide that short-term acquisition. When it comes to driving the emotional, a channel like ITV does a better job of supporting that long-term brand building. Getting the right mix of channels, both online and on TV, is crucial to achieving your growth. That’s why we partner with media experts that can determine the right channels and frequency to fit with the creative and overall objectives.
Whatever stage you’re at in your growth journey as a company, you will be utilising creative content to drive sales, brand awareness and growth. What’s important is that these assets are consistent across your mix of channels and can evolve as your business does. Our all-screen approach to developing creative content is what helps take businesses on their growth journey with a joined-up approach. Particularly when they plug TV in, their creative is joined up across the whole funnel. Plus, it offers a huge amount of flexibility for those assets to span the entire growth journey and power campaigns again and again, delivering a far better ROI.
Often, we see businesses use multiple agencies to produce content across multiple channels and you can imagine the results – disjointed, inconsistent and ultimately a bad experience for the audience. This should be avoided at all costs.
Whether you’re looking for creative content or assets to support online activity, a launch on TV or you want to embark on what we call a ‘super shoot’, where you are investing in creative content that will span a campaign for months or years, we have the tools and ability to take you on that journey to hyper-growth.
Do you want to know more about how we can help with your TV advertising and beyond? If so, give us a call on 01582 881144 or drop us a line at hello@falloffthewall.com. We’d love to chat.